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Friday, March 24, 2006

World Wide Search Engine Submission Services

Welcome to WidePromote�, a leading online website promotion service, registering your website with the major search engines in more than 39 countries, including Yahoo!, Google, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, Excite, Lycos, InfoSpace, NBCi, C|Net, Web Crawler and many others. For the complete list Click Here.
Our goal is to provide this first step for every new website, at the best quality and fair prices. As many companies provide search engine submission using everyone approachable submission softwares, we have developed our own submission strategy, striving to cover the major and most important search engines over the globe. (Currently total 521 search engines in 39 countries). The point is to ensure a global search engine presence for our clients. We provide monthly resubmission, to ensure constant presence.
We analyze every website prior to submission. We will make you aware of any specific issues that may prevent a successful registration, this will help to ensure your site is search engine friendly prior to submitting. After your website is ready for submission, we carefully hand submit to the top internet search engines and directories. We also manually submit your site to popular directories that can bring additional targeted traffic and build your site's link popularity (which is an important factor in attaining top listings). In addition, we utilize our continuously updated database to safely submit to over 521 international and USA search engines (those that truly matter).

World Wide Search Engine Submission Services

Social Bookmarking for Traffic

A while back I wrote an article commenting on Yahoo's public declaration that they were effectively conceding to Google in the search market. The point of the article was that Yahoo was not necessarily giving up as a business, but rather focusing its efforts on more modern forms of search. And what are these more modern forms of search? In a word, social networks which includes social bookmarking and variants on social bookmarking.

What is Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is one of the flagships of Web 2.0. The basic concept behind social bookmarking is that when thousands of people get together, bookmark their favorite pages, and apply descriptive tags to each page that they bookmark, certain websites will rise to the top as being more popular. The result of this is that surfers will be able to see what websites are currently popular among users.
The idea of social bookmarking seems to have been originated by back in 2003. Just by visiting the front page of you can see the social bookmarking in practice. On the right hand side of the page there is a column labeled 'Popular'. These are websites that currently are receiving a lot of attention from users under specific keywords and phrases. These websites are listed under common 'tags' that users have given.

Article Tip:
Wikipedia gives a fairly good explanation of social bookmarking. You can find that explanation at You can also goto and try out the service which is a great way to learn about social bookmarking

Digging for the News is not the only Web 2.0 flagship that relies on the power of the collective people. Arguably one of the most successful Web 2.0 enterprises is Digg. Digg is a news website which presents headlines from across the Internet. Unlike practically every other news website to date, however, Digg does not rely on editors to determine which news stories are worthy of their front page and which news stories they should ignore. Rather, Digg relies on the input of their users.

The system behind Digg is simple. Registered users can navigate their way to "Digg for Stories". Here everyone can see all of the stories submitted to Digg. If a user likes one of the stories, they simply click on the "Digg It" link. If they do not like the story they can either ignore the story or report it as being lame, a duplicate story, or outright spam. If a story receives enough Diggs in a fast enough amount of time, it gets promoted to the front page.
The system seems to work fairly well. Digg has been smart enough to put into place anti-cheating devices which do a fairly good job of catching manipulators of their system. And if someone does break through these barriers, Digg users (often referred to as Diggnation) are usually pretty quick to point out the offending users.

Why Should I Care About These Services?

This is all fine and interesting, but you might be wondering why you should spend your precious time reading more of this article. The answer is simple: websites like Digg and represent the opportunity to get a lot of new traffic as well as quality links to your website.

Digg and offer the absolute best type of web traffic: viral traffic. Business owners know that the most reliable prospects are the prospects that come from the referral of someone else, and Digg and offer just that. In order to get seen on a large scale from any of these websites that rely on a community of users, your content must be good enough to meet the approval of enough people to warrant the elevation of your site to the front page. This, in effect, is like one great recommendation for your website.

So how much traffic are we talking about? Darren Rowse of noted that when a post of his reached the front page of, he saw around 8,000 visitors that day from alone. This does not take into account all the bloggers and website owners who discovered his site from, posted a link to it on their site or in a forum, which would in turn generate more traffic to his site.
Tech-Recipes, a relatively common website on the front page of Digg, wrote a great post on what the digg effect is like. The traffic numbers they post are quite astounding. From being featured in Digg, they regularly see 5,000 � 10,000 visitors per day. This is not unusual either � websites that are featured in Digg are often subject to what has been dubbed the "Digg Effect". It is quite common, unfortunately, for a dug website to receive so much traffic that it brings down the server.

Now both and Digg users do not tend to be very active users. This has been pointed out by more than one person. Typically they do not click on ads, they do not comment on blogs, and they do not register for an account with you. But the name of the website marketing game is always going to be free exposure, and social bookmarking services like these are great ways to get a lot of free exposure for your website. In addition, these sites will often have secondary and tertiary effects which you may not be able to link back directly to your initial exposure on them.
I'm Sold � Where Do I Sign Up?

So you are now sold on just how great it can be to be featured on sites like and Digg. The natural question to ask here is how do you get featured on these sites. I am pretty sure the answer I am about to give is going to be one that you do not like as it is a tired phrase:

You need good, unique content.

Sound familiar? If you follow SEO at all, you undoubtedly have been told that good, unique content is the best way to get to the top of the rankings. The same thing holds true, but even more so, for social bookmarking websites.

In order to be featured on these sites, your website does not have to meet the approval of an automated bot that is scouring the web for information. Instead, your website needs to meet the approval of actual human beings who are going to look at your website, determine whether they like it or not, and then tell you the honest truth.

In the past, web pages that have been successful in being featured may have had the following traits:

- They are usually unique
- They often have useful content, such as a tutorial
- They may contain breaking news or an exclusive report
- They are sometimes particularly humorous
- It may be free content for downloading (free wallpapers have done well with Digg)
- It will rise to the top naturally � without manipulation

After I wrote the article on Yahoo I received an email asking how one would optimize their site for social bookmarking services. The response to that would have to be simple: optimize your site by offering some great, free content that anyone can access.

A Word to the Wise � Don't Cheat

As a quick sidebar, it is important to note that those who try to cheat the systems usually find themselves worse off than they were to begin with. It is very tempting when dealing with a system like and Digg to try and manipulate the system to artificially get your website to the top.

The problem with this is simple: if you do succeed in manipulating the system, but do not have the content to really deserve a featured placement, you will undoubtedly turn off more visitors than attract. If your content is deserving of a featured placement, it should rise there naturally.

Social Bookmarking � The Future of Search?

The point of the article which I referenced above was not to state that Yahoo was washed up, but rather that Yahoo was on the cusp of a new Internet and a new form of search. They recognized that Google would not be beat in the search market; however, this does not mean that they can not beat Google by creating a market more effective than search.

Social bookmarking is already becoming a very effective way for experienced web surfers to find the latest information on a particular subject. Do you want to see some of the latest videos to become popular? Just goto and you can see what others are discovering and bookmarking as valuable. Want to find some rather obscure guide on Ruby on Rails? Lookup the common tags for Ruby on Rails and search through these resources.

Social bookmarking has the great ability to reach where search engines cannot: by using viral marketing and popular opinion, social bookmarking has the ability to discover what is important before any bot can spider the site and rank it among the thousands of sites available. Granted, social bookmarking will never replace search completely, but as it grows in popularity, web users are quickly discovering a whole new way to discover web pages that they would never discover otherwise.

So take the time today to examine Digg and Take a little more time to find new social websites like Digg and (they are popping up all over the place) and learn what seems to make users on these sites click. Social technologies are here to stay, and they are only going to grow in popularity. Right now is a golden opportunity for you to gain great exposure for your website if you simply learn how to use these services.

About The Author:Mark Daoust

How To Tap Into Massive Sources of Traffic With Virtually No Competition!

Things haven't been this perfect for a long time. In fact, not since one of the big engines really started to take off, when those who were lucky enough to be already seated firmly in the Top 10 for their keywords, has there been such a plethora of new traffic opportunities.

The internet marketing world has become multi-dimensional in ways that are surprising to most people who are still hooked on search engine marketing as their sole website promotion strategy.
Here are the new avenues of traffic that most people are NOT taking advantage of outside of the big companies and a handful of savvy marketers:

1. Podcasting

While it was "the word of the year" for 2005, most people still have no idea what Podcasting is really about outside of being able to download music at

And, frankly, it's because the people who "get it" are, for the first time ever, keeping quiet about it! Or at least keeping the information of how they are profiting wildly with Podcasting behind closed doors and in small groups.

And I am not going to get too far into it here for the same reason as the others: I don't want the competition that will be here by the end of 2006 to come any earlier because I blabbed about how it is done in public!

Sorry, but you will have to pay something to become a millionaire using this information!

But I will give you a clue. Go to and download the free software that allows you to, yes, download music. But ignore that part for a minute.

With the iTunes software you can grab Podcasts from major news organizations and tiny garage websites mostly focusing on short comic bits.

Pay attention to what you are NOT seeing. One thing is there isn't a lot of video Podcasts - period. Not even comedy! And there are no how-to podcasts save a couple from the people I talked about above.
The savvy marketers are already in the game and getting traffic from a source all other marketers seem to be totally discounting right now. To the tune of 6 million or so pairs of eyeballs dying to see and hear more content, especially video content, at alone!

Last year you could see the word "Podcasting" uttered thousands of times by marketers trying to gauge the buzz worthiness of it among their customer lists.

Well, without showing people how marketing with Podcasts is done, and with article marketing doing a great job of bringing people traffic in ways they COULD understand, not too many marketers really got into it.

We were lucky recently to have a guest speaker from none other than the Hawaiian Tropics site come in and talk to our clients about how easy it has been to blow away the likes of Playboy and other major competitors by offering their content through Podcasts.

We got to see the inner workings of a successful marketing campaign on a very very high level. And we gained valuable insight into how marketing with Podcasts can be done on the guerilla marketing level.

You watch. By the end of this year you will wish you started caring about including Podcasting in your marketing a year ago!

2. Audio and Video Syndication

Article syndication is not dead. It actually has yet to see its true "boom" period. I say that because until the content people syndicate gets MUCH better overall, we are basically using sophisticated software and networks to distribute garbage.
But as the article syndication industry slowly comes around to the fact that demanding good content is not going to hurt business, quite the opposite, there are new networks developing that will have us creating, syndicating and streaming much more audio and video around the web to promote our sites.

All-text content is wearing thin on the patience of surfers and possible customers. As the bigger sites lead the way (they almost always do when it comes to new web technology) we are seeing that our own customers, formerly content to read 15 page sales letters, are leaving for something more exciting.

As we all get used to the internet everyone promised us would be here long ago, we see that as we buy stuff and entertain ourselves on the web, we also expect small websites to measure up to the speed, excitement, movement and sound we see on many other sites today.
Less text. Much more multi-media. And as many different ways to access and consume content as we can possibly dream up. That is what's on the menu and the source of traffic is MASSIVE!

Think of all those people who left your all-text site in the last month without buying or clicking on a thing. Where exactly to you think they were headed? That's right. To sites with motion and sound to feed their brains without ruining their eyesight trying to read 10 point font at high resolution for 15 pages!

You have probably bought a product from a choice between a few different dealers just because the site was more engaging than the others. I know I have. And usually I buy from sites that look like they are really in business.

Any monkey can get a merchant account and slap up some text to sell a drop shipped product. I want to buy from people who take the time to take their business (and my credit card information) seriously! That means people who are into displaying information in formats other than all-text.

Audio and video editing and syndication tools have come a long long way in the last year. Anyone can get into the game and dominate in areas where the traffic is theirs for the taking because no one is competing with them for it yet!

So, after you are done writing your next article, while you are syndicating it around the web, make sure you remember that you are not done until you figure out ways to convert that article into an audio for your site or for a Podcast. Or a video script to power a how-to video for the same purpose.

Articles, audio, and video should become synonymous with syndication and traffic generation when thinking about your marketing campaign. Leaving any of them out of your marketing is going to cost you big time in 2006 and beyond!

The Author:Jack Humphrey